A soft wedding … a lot of fun & joy !
...A wedding without alcohol – prestige or an unnecessary risk?
Have you ever considered a non-alcohol party?
In Poland, such endeavor may be seen as a risky one to say the least, or simply crazy – as viewed by many. It seem that the reality and troth is somewhat different.
There is a new way of celebration, targeting the common and traditional understanding of how the wedding party should be organized.
It guaranties nobility, prestige & uncommon approach… and as we’ve experienced – a load of genuine and honest joy.
Couple of months ago – in August, our Best Bar Events team has had the pleasure of participation in the best and most beautiful wedding in our career.
Imagine a perfect place, freshly cut grass, trees whispering on a soft and warm afternoon breeze – just around 60 km from the Tree-City. Picture a prestigious event, with everything prepared and taken care of, down to the last detail.
A sunny, warm day, green garden, white tents, and .. a non alcohol bar, serving cocktails composed of a range of exotic and unique fruits.
It’s been one of the most rejuvenating and refreshing cocktail menus we have ever prepared. We used berries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and plums, along with a mixture of exotic tastes of passionfruit, mango, peach, banana, and prestigious kumquats. What’s important to say is that there was no two similar cocktails – not one!
Every each of them was a custom made job, after a brief discussion about preferred tastes and colors.
.. and each time we’ve added a tropical dressing, banana leaves and little Hawaiian umbrella too :)
Having distributed all of the drinks, we’ve had a special laughter sessions for all guests! It’s an ideal solution to have fun out of a set of ordinary things without a need for an alco-booster.
Surely a non-alcohol event may be considered as a challenge , or a slight risk, but when it’s well prepared – it becomes original and one of a kind, not mentioning – memorable!
Some could argue that a traditional wedding, with the participation of unforgettable uncle Romek – the “joyful” dancing freelancer, the “kiss her lips &search for her hips!” gospel-aunts choir, and all-time favorite party enchantments like “have another one my dear..” , is an obligation and no alternatives are acceptable.
Some.. can have a different opinion.
If it seems to good or too revolutionary to be true – see for yourself and take a look at our photographs from the event.
See more photos in Gallery section.